
Light Speed: Arena, Smart Tabletop Battles 📸🚀

Created by Tablescope

A cosmic competition for 1-6 pilots: Aim lasers in real time and snap a single picture to let the app unfold the battle.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2 small gifts for our backers, 2 stretch goals unlocked, 2 upcoming conventions and 1 Project We Love
5 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 05:31:42 AM

Dear Blazing Pilots,

We have two small surprises for you, an update about stretch goals, and coordinates for meeting us and playing Light Speed: Arena!


  • The demo print&play was an overwhelming success and many of you asked for more! Here you are. We prepared an extension page with four more spaceships and the Nova Snipe sponsored asteroid! If you are a backer, just drop us a message to receive the download link ;)

    When playing with 6 spaceships, the app will allow you to switch on faction powers. Have fun with the Retroblast retaliation and the Amboom lethal hits! It is a tricky match-up for one of the two factions. Can you guess which one?
  • Several backers wondered about alternative storage solutions/travel cases. Emanuele was on it the second you asked. We are still checking with the factory if we can go in that direction as a stretch goal or add-on but you can be sure about one thing: As soon as we finish experimenting, you will get 3D-printing files for a super compact custom case! We addressed the base game for now but we will do the expansions as well.

Stretch goals!

  • At 27 500€, we unlocked one more sponsored asteroid! Now the variability of the base game with the two expansions is in the order of thousands of possible combinations.

    For this special asteroid as well, we will take inspiration from the suggestions you proposed in the thread of UPDATE #3. Your ideas are fantastic and crazy (a backer proposed a laser-shooting sausage <3). I knew we could count on you, and you still have time to share more!

    The next stretch goal is a feature to keep track of your achievements in the companion app: 'Play 10 games', 'A fleet ends the battle with no destroyed spaceships', 'A player scores more than 20 sponsor points'... We are quite excited about this one as we envisioned it as a community meta-game where exchanging information is key: it won't always be clear how to obtain the next achievement. ;)
  • The '+50 BGG fans' social goal was also reached: This means UV spotting on both expansion boxes! On the other hand, we understand that not everybody is happy with having plastic on the box. We'll decide together about this one in one of the next updates.

    Keep hitting the fan button on the Light Speed: Arena BGG page, as this is your way to get your portrait drawn on the community-sponsored asteroid!

    We also rebalanced the other social goals to make them more approachable. For example, gaining 20 new Instagram followers would do the trick now. :)


Come say hi at Play in Modena (17-19 May) and at UKGE in Birmingham (31 May - 2 June)! We'll shoot laser beams and drink a shot together (our selection includes Italian and Austrian spirits). If you are a backer, we will have one more small surprise for you :)

That's all for now! Keep flying high and spreading the word about Light Speed: Arena <3

Leonardo and Emanuele

PS Oh, we are 'Project We Love'!

Let's build a pool of sponsor powers together! And game stats unlocked!
5 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 01:48:52 AM

Thank you 500 times <3

22 500€ - End game stats! Have you ever said: "I think I was ahead in the first part of the game, then I made a mistake, and you took over"? The Light Speed: Arena companion app will visualize that data for you!

And now we have some work to do! Let's give a name, power, and slogan to the recently unlocked additional sponsored asteroid!

The cool thing about Light Speed: Arena is that aiming, hitting, and destroying are literally aiming, hitting, and destroying. If you have watched any Star Wars movies, you can contribute your idea even if you have not yet played the game (which you can do with the demo p&p!).

To get you started, these are the sponsors from the base game with a short description of what they do! 

Share in a comment the NAME, SLOGAN, and POWER of your dream sponsor (multiple submissions are welcome). Before the campaign ends, we'll select one of them and start the development of the new asteroid from there. You'll be credited in the rulebook :D The might of the companion app is at your disposal to envision the craziest power.

And the next stretch goal is another sponsored asteroid! Once unlocked, we'll select TWO of your submissions from this thread!

Finally, the game design of the Community Sponsored asteroid is also not yet settled. If you have an idea for a positive, feel-good power, please, share it here as well.

A note about the print&play

In your production copy tiles will be 2mm thick, being the flattest thing on Earth (which, on the other hand, is not flat, if you have ever wondered). This is important for the software to work properly. 

When you play the print&play, please, make sure that the cards are as flat as possible on the table (press them with a heavy book or glue them onto a thicker cardboard before playing). 

Moreover, make sure that you leave the white border around the cards when cutting them out (spaceships and asteroid). That's also crucial for the detection to work seamlessly.


Leonardo and Emanuele


The Arena erupts! 400% funded and 4 stretch goals unlocked in 20 hours!
5 months ago – Wed, May 08, 2024 at 03:38:46 AM

But the most flattering figure is 443 backers when sending this update!

Probably is the emotional first-timer speaking, but thinking of the actual people who looked at our project and decided it was worthy gives us one of those gentle and nice stomachaches of the great occasions.

Let's dig into our update! Actually, the first update for today. This one is about what we have achieved so far together and the next one will be more of a collaborative hands-on type of thing.

12 500€ - Highlights mode unlocked! This app feature allows you to unfold the battle by visualizing the most thrilling moments of the game, perfect for players who want to relive key moments without diving into every detail. Relish in victories or groan at the missteps! 

Building a digital-hybrid tabletop game means curating a delicate balance between the table and the companion app. The possibility of customizing such an experience is no gimmick and heavily contributes to the enjoyment of playing, based on your taste :) 

17 500€ - One more sponsored asteroid unlocked in the base game! You will hear more about this one in the next update. All sponsored asteroids heavily impact the game and we are now in the order of magnitude of hundreds of possible combinations!

With the next stretch goal in line, the app will visualize stats and insights about the battle you just fought! Who does not like stats?!

Thank you for being part of our journey!

Write you later,
Leonardo and Emanuele

The just-funded snapshot :) Thank you and cheers!

I think they could hear us cheering even in space
5 months ago – Tue, May 07, 2024 at 08:31:07 AM

Dear commanders,

Either our mums pledged more than 200 times or you really like Light Speed: Arena! Fingers crossed it's the latter.

Ok, shortly put, that went over any expectations. You funded Light Speed: Arena in 1 hour!

If it's not enough, we reached the first two stretch goals right away.

7500€, Community Sponsored Asteroid unlocked! You are gonna be on the Kickstarter exclusive community sponsored asteroid! Stay tuned because we'll decide together what it does in the game and hit the fan button on BGG for a chance to have your face on it (only if you are comfortable with it, of course) ;)

10000€, Live4D and Ray Rebuff sponsored asteroids unlocked! 1 more sponsored asteroid in each expansion for a total of more than 300 different setups with the Ace pledge! 

Thank you so much for your support and write you soon <3 

Leonardo and Emanuele